We have implemented new measures to ensure the safety of both our customers and our team. It is likely that social distancing measures will remain for some time, so we have the necessary protective equipment in place.
If we are coming out to your property for either a viewing or valuation you will be asked several questions relating to COVID-19. If we are able to carry out the appointment we will be taking the following measures;
Conducting a Valuation Appointment
- Ensure that social distancing is adhered to whilst in the property.
- Any equipment will be cleaned using Anti Bac between appointments
- Our valuer will avoid any physical contact whilst in your home and so handshaking will be avoided.
- Our valuer will use hand sanitizer on entry prior to the appointment and will have available the use of protective gloves and face mask if the customer or the indeed the valuer requires.
Conducting a Viewing Appointment
- There should be a maximum of two people in attendance at the property per viewing.
- Viewing appointments should be conducted for as short a period of time as possible to minimize contact and any potential exposure.
- Hand sanitizer should be used on entry and on exit of a property by both our representative and the customer.
- After each viewing we will use anti-bacterial wipes to clean down door handles and other regularly used surfaces.
- Maintain a minimum of 2m distance from others where possible whilst working in line with the recommended guidance on social distancing.