COVID Guidance & FAQ’s

Due to the COVID-19 situation we have had to change how we operate and the procedures in place across our business. We hope the below provides answers to any questions that you may have at this time, but if you do need any further information please contact your local branch.

Advice for Buyers and Sellers

Can I come into your office ?

In order to adhere to government guidelines and social distancing measures, our offices will not be open to the general public, unless an appointment has been booked. To book an appointment please contact the branch. All visitors to the branch will need to wear a face covering.

What do you think will happen to house prices ?

The answer to this is somewhat difficult to predict, but given that there is still good availability of mortgage finance and a general lack of supply of property in the market, we still expect prices will not suffer hugely in the medium to short term. To keep up to date with our latest market updates click here

What process have you put in place for valuations and viewings ?

We have implemented new measures to ensure the safety of both our customers and our team. It is likely that social distancing measures will remain for some time, so we have the necessary protective equipment in place.

If we are coming out to your property for either a viewing or valuation you will be asked several questions relating to COVID-19. If we are able to carry out the appointment we will be taking the following measures;


Conducting a Valuation Appointment

  • Ensure that social distancing is adhered to whilst in the property.
  • Any equipment will be cleaned using Anti Bac between appointments
  • Our valuer will avoid any physical contact whilst in your home and so handshaking will be avoided.
  • Our valuer will use hand sanitizer on entry prior to the appointment and will have available the use of protective gloves and face mask if the customer or the indeed the valuer requires.


Conducting a Viewing Appointment

  • There should be a maximum of two people in attendance at the property per viewing.
  • Viewing appointments should be conducted for as short a period of time as possible to minimize contact and any potential exposure.
  • Hand sanitizer should be used on entry and on exit of a property by both our representative and the customer.
  • After each viewing we will use anti-bacterial wipes to clean down door handles and other regularly used surfaces.
  • Maintain a minimum of 2m distance from others where possible whilst working in line with the recommended guidance on social distancing.

I want to come back for a second viewing with my parents and a builder. Can I come with that many people?

At the moment any visit to a property is limited to a maximum of two people at any one time. Therefore if a builder was to visit it may be they need to view the house with one of the buyers whilst the other waits outside. If the property is vacant, it may be that you could go in, whilst observing social distancing with anyone not in your household.

Can I bring some PPE with me on a viewing?

Yes of course you can. All our offices are stocked with the appropriate safety equipment so if you would like us to bring any to the viewing for you just let us know.

I want to take my house off the market. It is never going to sell.

Our expectation is that with such a lack of supply of properties for sale, coupled with the swift return of mortgage lenders back to their pre March state in terms of deals available, demand will be just as strong as we come out of the other end of this crisis. Speak to your local valuer about your options and for information on the local market.

Are Home Surveys still being carried out?

Some surveyors are agreeing to visit empty properties but for now most have stopped in line with government guidelines. That is of course with the exception of desktop surveys that are still taking place. Once lockdown is over we expect that surveyors will restart their planned visits but will do so under revised guidelines taking into account the social distancing measures laid out within guidance.

I’m about to complete on my house, how will this work with the current situation?

Following the latest government guidance house moves can go ahead, whilst ensuring everyone involved adheres to current safety guidelines. We will continue to follow government guidelines and do everything we can to help you move.

Financial Advice

Can I get mortgage advice over the phone?

Yes. At the moment we would encourage our customers to speak to us over the phone rather than coming into the office. They can still offer advice, find you the best deals and arrange a mortgage.

I was/am furloughed. Will this affect me applying for a mortgage?

There is no specific answer on this, as different lenders are acting in different ways. Speak to our Mortgage Advisers for further advice and information.

Will this affect how much I’m allowed to borrow?

Lenders criteria and the products they offer may have changed since lockdown and we are finding a lot of buyers budgets are changing as a result. Speak to our mortgage advisers for further information and advice.

How much deposit do I need to buy a house?

Again this is to be determined by the present criteria being offered by lenders but our expectation is that it will return back to where it was previously.

Advice to Landlords

Can I come into your office?

In order to adhere to government guidelines and social distancing measures, our offices will not be open to the general public, unless an appointment has been booked. To book an appointment please contact the branch. All visitors to the branch will need to wear a face covering.

What process have you put in place for valuations?

We have implemented new measures to ensure the safety of both our customers and our team. It is likely that social distancing measures will remain for some time, so we have the necessary protective equipment in place.

If we are coming out to your property for either a viewing or valuation you will be asked several questions relating to COVID-19. If we are able to carry out the appointment we will be taking the following measures;

Conducting a Valuation Appointment

  • Ensure that social distancing is adhered to whilst in the property.
  • Any equipment will be cleaned between appointments.
  • Our valuer will avoid any physical contact whilst in your home, so handshaking will be avoided.
  • Our valuer will use hand sanitizer on entry prior to the appointment and will have available the use of protective gloves and face mask if the customer or the indeed the valuer requires.

Will I still be protected by my rent protection product if my tenant doesn't pay you?

You will need to check with provider as there may have been changes to the policy. Our product will still cover you, but there have been some changes to the timing of payments and limitation to the maximum amount covered.

What can I do if my Tenant doesn't pay and I can't meet my mortgage payments as a result?

The best thing to do would be to get advice from your mortgage lender and request a mortgage holiday if needed. This may allow you to help your tenants through this difficult time and perhaps put a payment plan together, to allow them to pay less rent for a short time, and then make up the difference for a few months after when things are getting back to normal.

Will tenancy renewals be actioned in the same way?

Yes, there have been no changes to our renewal process.

Can you currently serve notice to tenants?

The Coronavirus Act 2020 concerns Landlords serving notice, and came into force on 26th March. The notice periods for tenants serving notice remains unchanged. Until 20th September 2020, although this may extend, the notice period a landlord must give a tenant has increased to three (3) months; replacing the previous requirement of two (2) weeks and two (2) months respectively. Courts are also currently not accepting claims for possession to give tenants more stability during the crisis. This is initially for a 90 day period from the 27th March 2020, but could be extended further.

Will inspections and other visits still be taking place?

We are still limiting the number of visits to our properties, so at the moment we are still not carrying out inspections. We will continue to review this.

Can repair or maintenance work still take place?

We are now able to offer essential repairs and maintenance, whilst adhering to new guidelines and ensuring the occupants are not isolating or do not have any symptoms. When in the property our contractors will be observing 2 meter social distancing and ensuring any necessary PPE is worn.

Advice to Tenants

Can I still view a property?

To ensure the safety of our customers and our teams we have put a new process in place for our lettings viewings at this time;

All of our properties will now be marketed with a video tour, allowing any potential applicants to have an internal inspection of the property. If you are interested in the property and meet the financial criteria, we will request an internal application form to be completed. After our assessment, this will be discussed with the Landlord and a viewing will be arranged for the property.

Viewing Requirements

  • No more than two people can view a property.
  • You must meet the financial criteria.
  • You must attend with the correct PPE (masks and gloves).
  • Nothing must be touched in the property (all doors will be opened prior and cleaned afterward).

Can I still move into a property?

Yes you can still move into a property. Keys can be collected from the office at an arranged time. We would ask that for the move in appointment only 2 people attend and that you come at the time of your appointment only. All paperwork will now be completed electronically and emailed over to you.

Do I still need to pay my rent if I’m on Furlough?

Yes, however if you think this could be a problem speak to your property manager straight away.

Can I get a rent holiday?

Despite suggestions this could be introduced, the Coronavirus 2020 Act did not introduce these measures. If you think you may struggle to pay your rent please contact your Landlord or your Property Manager straight away.

Will essential repairs and maintenance still be taking place?

Yes, as long as none of the occupants are self-isolating or have coronavirus symptoms, a contractor will be able to visit whilst adhering to government social distancing guidelines. If possible, you should go outside while the contractor is in the property, or into another room.